A New Definition of Daydreaming

Sky made a comment on my last blog post which got me thinking about daydreaming. As a kid, I was always daydreaming and making up stories. I really valued that about myself when I was young.  Then as a young adult, daydreaming turned into “spacing out”  For those of you too young to know what that is, it wasn’t considered a valuable trait to have!  In fact, I was famous for going to the grocery store to get one item and being gone for over two hours.  I will never forget coming home and seeing my husband in a panic (yes, my friends, this was waaay before cell phones).  I had lost track of time and couldn’t imagine what all the fuss was.  Here’s what happens to me.  I love to cook, so going to the grocery store for me is about possibilities.

I feel the same way about my business.  I love to dream about the possibilities.  I often find that daydreaming lets me make connections that I wouldn’t make if I was consciously trying to figure it out.  On the other hand, daydreaming can be a real problem as well.  If you are daydreaming and not completing tasks in your business – good luck trying to succeed.

I suggest using daydreaming as a tool.  Use it to problem solve and/or to solidify your business vision.  For instance, sometimes when I am getting ready to exercise, I will pose a challenge or question to myself and then put music on and go for a walk or to the gym.  Inevitably, some time during the exercise, I will have the answer.  Your unconscious mind is a powerful tool.

The other way to use daydreaming is to see yourself achieving your goals and dreams.  The important thing here is to be in the picture in the same way you are in your dreams when you are asleep.

Bottom line:  use daydream for your own good.

I am anxious to hear your thoughts.





1 comment

  1. Kim

    I enjoy walking my dogs during the day as I find that I think clearly at those times as I’m away from my desk and able to let my mind wander.

    I haven’t yet “gone missing” for a couple of hours, but can envisage it happening as I’m getting older 🙂

    I can see where you’re coming from with letting the daydreams act for your own good and think that is a great concept.

    Thanks for the post


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