Visualize Your Vision Visibly

In order for your vision to be really powerful, it needs to be in front of you where you can see it. It needs to stay current and real for you.  You can achieve this in many ways and I will give you a bunch of suggestions in this post.

I know we’ve just met, but I am giving you permission to figure this out in a way that is best for you.  Here’s what you don’t have permission to do:  NOT figure it out.  No excuses – I will give you some great suggestions and use the one that works for you.  If none of them work for you, then create a way to do it that gets your vision out of your head and somewhere in the physical world.

I want you to be moved by whatever you create.  I want you to feel passion and yearning when you see your vision in front of you.  I am not being melodramatic here; this is about your future success.  You have many areas of your business and your life where you are already successful, the visioning process is about creating even more success.

The foundational philosophy of my coaching business, Success Core, is that you need to create the systems that work best for you, which are based on your strengths.  If you determine that creating any kind of vision “board” isn’t in your wheelhouse then have someone else create it for you. In the end, your job is to “Get’er Done!”

So how are you going to get this vision out where you can see it?  You have to pick the right way for you. Here are some ideas:

  • Create a vision board.  This is great if you are visual.  If you want to see a funny video about vision boards, check out this humorous clip from The Ellen Show. Cut out lots of pictures for things you see in your future, put them on a board and put up on your wall.
  • Write a list.  If you prefer outlines – outline it.
  • Make a flow chart.  I do this in a variety of ways.  Sometimes I do this with a big sticky piece of paper that I keep up in my office.  You can also do this with a big white board.
  • Use mindmapping software.  If you have a smart phone, check out the Simplemind app.  It’s free and intuitive and available for iPhone, iPad and Android.
  • Create a “why” video.  Watch this every morning to remind yourself why you do what you do.  It’s an amazing way to stay connected to your vision.  You can use iMovie, if you have a Mac or Windows Movie Maker, if you use a PC.  This is installed software on both machines. Pick 40 pictures/images and put them to music.  Make sure the music moves and motivates you.

One more piece of advice here from wise friend, Lisa Ferrer, who is an intuitive healer.  She adamantly says that your vision must be two to six steps ahead of where you currently are.  If you reach further than that, your system won’t believe it and it won’t be effective.

Once you achieve what’s on the board, you should Creating any kind of vision “board” allows you to connect on a personal level to your vision. You’re becoming your own motivator while working toward your dream!  Go for it.

Now, let’s hear your own story on how you walked the road to success! Feel free to share with me how you were able to visualize your vision or share any questions you have about how to do it.  Also, share pictures of what you create.


  1. Kim

    I like many of the ideas above and do use the vision board option for some of my goals and with my office being redecorated shortly, I am going to create a “vision wall”.

    I do like the concept of the “Why” video and will be looking into doing something like this for my personal and business goals

    Thanks for the post


  2. Thanks for this post, Kim. It’s very helpful. I tried to do a vision board a while back but it didn’t quite resonate for me. But maybe I should try an outline or a flow chart. I tend to create outlines and flow charts in other circumstances, so maybe it’s just my native approach to things. Thanks for the ideas. I’ll play around with it.

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